The Strategy Blog





Strategy: What it is, and why you should be doing it

28 April, 2020 Strategy

It’s the beginning of 2007 – 13 years ago, just before the global financial crisis hit – and I just got back from the…

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The importance of having a long-term view

26 April, 2020 Strategy

“Every company requires a long-term view.” – Jeff Bezos Short-termism seems to be everywhere today. Companies with a long-term perspective have however finally been…

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Why strategy is not dead

4 March, 2019 Strategy

Strategy is no longer necessary, according to some – but without it, business would not utilize our full human potential. A few years back,…

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How to create clarity in 15 minutes

21 January, 2019 Mental clarity , ,

Many of our clients just have too much going on. Ultimately, this overwhelms the mind, makes thinking cluttered, and creates difficulties in prioritization. There…

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Time to focus on the long-term

28 December, 2018 Strategy ,

Getting management teams to look beyond the horizon is sometimes a challenge since everyday business is so engulfing.   Despite the above challenges, long-termism has…

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50 examples of companies that failed to innovate

9 December, 2018 Innovation

Valuer recently published an interesting selection of companies that failed to innovate. We believe the article is too good to miss and just had…

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Exponential Innovation at Singularity University in Silicon Valley

The world is experiencing accelerating change, which has made us even more convinced in our belief in lifelong learning. Knowledge is getting outdated faster than…

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Happy to work with the PINC Incubator!

Last week I had the opportunity to work with the newly started incubator PINC in Stockholm – with focus on Business Model Innovation and…

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Long-term focus outperforms short-termism

“Corporate short-termism” has been the subject of ongoing debate – among leaders in business, government, and academia – for decades. To understand the facts…

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Are you relevant?

1 January, 2018 Strategy ,

Customers do not primarily buy a product or a service, they buy a solution to a perceived problem. Consequently, a company’s competitive edge is…

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Are you relevant?

1 January, 2018 Strategy ,

Customers do not primarily buy a product or a service, they buy a solution to a perceived problem. Consequently, a company’s competitive edge is…

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Next stop: the Royal Danish Opera

22 October, 2017 framtid ,

It’s time for two days of inspiration at the first Singularity University Copenhagen Summit on the Royal Danish Opera in Copenhagen. Over two epic…

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European Business Forum on Innovation and Growth

Without reflection, no learning happens. A lot of our own personal learning today happens online in parallel to our everyday commitment to support executives…

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The power of you having first hand customer experiences

In B2B, market and customer data is not always easy to gather or access. Still, it’s key to innovation, growth and renewal. Let’s take…

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Value Creation workshop delivered

We just delivered a value creation workshop – from an Outside-In perspective – to an international team of high potentials with a client. The workshop…

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Thanks to the ENTRIM team!

A recent dark and rainy November evening in southern Sweden, we aspired to bring some more light into this beautiful world. How? Through passionately delivering…

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Two workshops just delivered at Lund University

For the fourth year in a row I just delivered a workshop for the students of the Master’s Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Lund University. The focus and…

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Bring your team on a Customer Safari

Did you know that first hand experiences are generally more valuable than second hand knowledge? Actually, the strongest insights come from what you have…

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Creative people must be stopped

Creating growth through innovation has become an increasingly important challenge to many companies. To develop a new product however means a constant compromise. A compromise…

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Test prototyping a silly idea

In our consulting services, we often use Design Thinking methodology to approach relevant business problems and challenges. Design Thinking originates in design, but has developed into…

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Time for ideation?

Hungry for some inspiration on ideation? Check out these resources presented by the IDEO team at IDEO U From ideas to Action: The Reinvention of Normal:…

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Back from the Strategyzer Bootcamp for Business Model Innovation Coaches

The world we live in is experiencing accelerating change. Hence, what took us here may not be what is taking us into the future. With…

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Time for some summer reading?

24 July, 2016 Reading

Summer is definitely here and you are hopefully taking time to just relax, and maybe even finding some time to read a few useful books.…

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Crash Course in Design Thinking

As part of my mission to inspire organizations to embrace an outside-in approach to business, we just finished a crash course in Design Thinking…

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The future of electricity workshop at Royal Society in London

I felt truly humbled to be able to contribute as a speaker and group facilitator with a customer and end-user perspective in a future…

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New training opportunity: Designing for Growth

Human Centered Design, Service Design and Design Thinking are all similar approaches to product, service and business innovation that have grown in popularity over…

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How do you place your future innovation bets?

14 April, 2016 Uncategorized ,

    The WHY of innovation today isn’t just about avoiding that your product range turns into commodity. Instead it is becoming brutally clear…

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Workshop for Buyer Persona and Customer Journey mapping

  Last week we had a small, but very encouraging co-creation workshop with a client where we helped building relevant buyer personas for a customer…

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Why the Digital Society empowered the Sharing Economy

Guest blog by Linda Malmgren. With the evolution of Internet came a transformation of society. The internet allowed us to create a world where…

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Value Proposition Design in the Telecom industry

We were recently invited to a telecom company during part of their yearly Marketing and R&D conference to introduce methods and concepts of Value Proposition…

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Trend Watching Training

4 March, 2016 Training ,

I just finished a two day Trend Watching Training with an ambitious and curious team. The program included: an introduction to a world of…

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Why Strategy Is Not Dead

26 February, 2016 Uncategorized

Strategy is no longer necessary, according to some – but without it, business would not utilise our full human potential. This article was first…

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Big data and Thick data – both are needed

  Reblogged from Harvard Business Review. For marketers, truly valuable customer data comes in two forms: thick data and big data. Thick data is…

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Why Your Strategy Needs a Futurist

This article was first published on INSEAD Knowledge, as Why Your Company Needs a Resident Futurist, September 10, 2015: Being far-sighted about your strategy can…

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Looking into the future is always a challenge

4 September, 2015 Uncategorized

Strategy is about defining your current state, future position and direction.  Understanding your environment – both current and future – is an important part…

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My Favorite Strategy Books

6 August, 2015 Strategy ,

Summer is a great time to read, and there is still some time to read until it’s over, even here in the Nordics. Our last…

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A summer reading list

Finding inspiration and seeds for good ideas is something we can all make a daily habit, 365 days per year. Now that summer is here,…

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The same old thinking leads to the same old results

11 May, 2015 Cases ,

At best, the same old thinking lead to the same old results. Hence, we always feel especially grateful when we are able to help…

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What a training session!

16 April, 2015 Training

We just got great feed back from a two day training session with the group marketing team of one of our clients. The energy was high…

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Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is something you have probably heard about. And it still seem to be discussed as the salvation to every…

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Value Proposition Design

We really like Alexander Osterwalder’s (et al’s) updated approach on designing value propositions. In his latest book, called “Value Proposition Design”, he shows a…

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Go Idea Hunting

29 November, 2014 Idea Hunting ,

Have you ever admired geniuses like Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, or even Steve Jobs? A genius is often thought of as a person who displays exceptional…

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The Business Model Canvas

Click to open separate window where you can download the canvas (on “Great products are becoming a commodity. It’s the combination between great…

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What’s your approach to business? Inside-Out or Outside-In?

  An ideological gulf has opened in today’s business world, between companies that look outward for long-term value and those relying on internal resources.…

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What’s a great, differentiated customer experience really worth?

What’s a great, differentiated customer experience really worth for your company? A study conducted by Watermark Consulting has shown that it’s worth a lot. They…

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Crafting a winning Business Plan

Crafting suggests a skill in doing or making something and require knowledge. Crafting a meaningful and winning business plan hence takes thought, time and resources, and craves both business…

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How to create a Value Proposition

In business, it doesn’t make sense to focus on doing the same thing as everybody else. Especially since research show it pays off to…

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Market Research Global Price Study 2014

Are you a frequent buyer of Market Research? Then you already know that prices often differ, not always logically – based on chosen country as…

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Only 14% of employees understand their company’s strategy and direction

7 June, 2014 Uncategorized , , , , ,

We recently stumbled on an interesting article by David Witt on the Leaderchat, claiming that only 14% of employees understand their company’s strategy and direction. In…

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The one number you need to grow

25 April, 2014 Growth ,

Two years of research and several thousand interviews with customers in different industries have shown that one simple question – in most industries –…

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Time to support new venture creation

We have a deep belief that entrepreneurship – with the power to create and grow new ideas, concepts and new ventures – is key…

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What does opportunity mean to you?

At Inquentia we passionately identify, explore and develop opportunities powering the future of our clients’ teams, brands and businesses. For us opportunity means a…

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How to cope in an increasingly complex world

We live in an increasingly complex world. Most scientists would even agree that we are living in one of the greatest times of change…

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Is your company ready for Big Data?

4 January, 2014 Uncategorized , , ,

There is a lot of data around these days and rumor says that the typical company doubles the amount of data it stores every…

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Up for the challenge of growth?

According to a recent survey made by Bain & Company, the number one challenge for most business leaders of today is generating growth, next in…

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Customer understanding is key to innovation

Stagnation and lack of growth in many industries has increased the interest for innovation as a way to bypass the challenge and increase productivity…

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What else can you do for your customers?

Product focused and production oriented companies tend to believe their competitive advantages lie in sourcing, production, logistics and product feature innovation. However, these activities…

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Key trends driving the development over the next 50 years

We live in an increasingly complex world. Most scientists would even agree that we are living in one of the greatest times of change…

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Without change – no progress, no development…

9 September, 2013 Change , ,

  Growth is a team effort. Change is too. However, as someone insightfully said…”Change has a bad reputation in our society. But that isn’t…

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Dreaming about innovation?

”The world’s most innovative companies enjoy a premium on their share price”, as to evidence recently shared by Hal Gregersen and Jeff Dyer in…

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20 Customer Insight Tips

Ideally you have all the money in the world in getting the customer insights you need for your next big project. If you don’t,…

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Social intelligence is changing the field of market research

The past 10 years the field of market research and customer insight has changed substantially. New technologies and social media makes online listening and…

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Why 80% of innovations fail

Creating growth through innovation has become an increasingly important challenge to many companies. To develop a new product however means a constant compromise. A…

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KPCB Internet Trend Report May 2013

3 June, 2013 Uncategorized , ,

The 2013 edition of the annual KPCB Internet Trends report was just published. There are now 2.4 billion Internet users around the world, and…

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